旧体诗2020 1/3 苏幕遮?年假休完上班有感 地朦胧,天色暗,年假終时,早起心情惨。不忍凭楼山色览,顾镜观瞧,怕笑风霜脸。 暖将来,春又艳,只叹流光,日日随风减。长恨人生多缺憾,花好月圆,总是痴心念。 石州慢?美艳生悲 美艳生悲,佳丽惹愁,欲罢难断。少年自是痴情,年老亦难心乱。芙蓉出水,亭亭玉立娇姿,谁人不把鲜花赞。临数亩荷塘,梦回江南岸。 长叹,木船孤旅,风华正茂,运河之畔。忆想当年,风物苏杭游践。同舟美女,一夜无语伧然,平明舟驻皆分散。遗憾失良缘,想来遥云汉。 Beauties generate sadness Fair faces generate sorrow None however are rejectable Young hearts’re easily trapped Old ones to confusion susceptible Fresh lotus flower Graceful in water How not they make people admire By the vast lotus pond I recall the Yangtze delta That lone trip on a wood boat I lament On Grand Canal in the prime of my age Back in those years I spent A night in a Su-Hang voyage I shared a cabin with a beauty For a miserable speechless night At dawn we got off the boat The chance of dating in flight Now in reminiscence She is nowhere in sight 1/17 浣溪沙 ? 风雨飘摇旧历年 风雨飘摇旧历年,大洋彼岸夜清寒,昏灯凉枕漏声残。 无意空堂孤守岁,有心淑女共凭阑。 蛾眉笑靥梦中颜。 Luna New Year comes in wind and rain Nightly cold reigns on this side of the ocean Dim light, cold pillow and dripping roof rain Keeping zero hour alone I’ve no intention Leaning on the rail I wish to with fair companion Only in dreams see I her smiling expression 1/21 就冠状肺炎病毒事活剥崔颢《黄鹤楼》 昔时非典中国虐,今日妖来黄鹤楼。萨斯亲戚凶神返,千家万户很担忧。 当初只报香江走, 现在零星布九州。百步亭前犹聚宴, 江城鄂佬不言愁。 2/2 盼武汉疫情早住 冠疫知时节,冬阑乃发生。随风潜入体,致病恶无声。 年夜皆辞聚,元宵续闭城。煎熬何日了,复见鹤归鸣。 Coronavirus does know its time At winter’s waning days to seek a kill The virus invades bodies, weak or prime Causing a plaque in silence and still No gathering on the Eve of New Year Still empty are cities towards the end When will the torture be done and over, Yellow Crane returns to the native land? *Crane, yellow crane, a legendary bird that carried an immortal leaving Wuhan 2/6 闻李文亮医生殉职 今岁魑魅影 瘟疫虐江城 元宵之夜人不聚 伯牙之地无安宁 蒙冤犹尽责 得报却隐情 冠毒未靖身先去 居官无为尽骂声 八六子?情人节随笔 寡心情,美人偷看,桃面犹似寒冰。恼媚眼,带笑勾魂,移步香飘四溢,微风绕栏榭亭。无由叩门丝贸,辗转迟眠,还醒三更。 叹错年庚,话无言,三观更难知探。北南殊域,海天悬隔, 真个,爱恨无缘构建,相逢总是言生。似星辰,天间各飘各行。 I have no mood to peep at the beauty Her peachy face seems pretty icy I resent her soul-snatching smile She moves and her fragrance lingers awhile Like a breeze through the pavilion rails I have no excuse her silk to trade I can’t fall asleep until very late And in the small hours up I often wake I sigh for our miss-matched ages Her world view I can’t detect by words The south and the north stand far apart Betwixt ocean’nd sky there’s much distance It’s really impossible to build up love or hate Even seen often she won’t be an acquaintance Like stars we drift in the sky and never date 3/4贺新郎·交错犹无语 交错犹无语,叹伊人,无缘无份,非亲非故。虽是同衙无由问,能否相邀举箸。天涯客,皆为飘羽,浊酒何妨书卷叙。望能为,知己红颜女。恨只恨,隔如许。 他乡异土孤身处,入流难,华洋疏隔,徒精夷语。悬锁多年封心阁,积落尘,浮蛛缕,偶奢望,慈航吾渡。非我族群难为伴,意中人,应识唐音谱。哀此意,无人诉。 Crossing each other we’re speechless I lament the zero relation between us Though we serve the same government I wonder if I can invite you for gourmet We are both flying feathers away from home Why can’t we gossip over drinks and a tome All I hope for is a lady friend How this gap between us I resent I live alone in this alien land as an alien It’s hard to melt into the stream called main A wide gap exists between things Chinese and Foreign I know their language well, but in vain A lock hangs many years over my heart chamber That gathers dust and has spider webs all over Occasionally I harbor the luxury wish That a lady of mercy could ferry me like a fish It’s hard to find companion in the Other It should be someone from the Tang culture But who the hell can understand what I desire? 3/6 玉楼春-幽怨如潮 幽怨如潮云漫漫,长夜梦沉心思乱。春风无意到楼台,谁见空廊脂粉面? 云鬓摇摇金玉颤,步影翩翩南去雁。天涯空望彩霞飞,古寺霜风钟磬断。 3/19 2019新冠大疫 一从汉口起风雷,羊逸修栏人禁堆。 吹哨诸君遭警训,无知百姓被瘟灾。 华佗举鼎援江夏,众志成城锁冠埃。 可叹封疆終未固,而今世界虐妖来。 3/21 七律 蒙城一夜雨淋淋,窗外春园草色深。 仙掌结桃红艳艳,龙兰亮剑碧森森。 微菌抵近封州邑,海众提防远肉林。 难料此情持好久,囤粮购米唱空琴。 3/27 眼儿媚· 淫雨频来黯心情 淫雨频来黯心情,寒气绕空庭。春花寂莫,斯人枯坐,独守残灯。 军营突锁无人迹,孤自享闲清。忽惊不念,蛾眉云鬓,窈窕娉婷。 3/31 采桑子 ? 封城之怨 封城无处闲游去,廊榭空空,失了春红,独倚栏杆沐海风。 此情难料何时了,夏雨秋虫,北雁南鸿,未解诗心此恨浓。 Nowhere for a leisure tour in locking down Veranda empty, spring blossoms gone Alone I lean on the rails in ocean breeze blown When this siege ends it’s hard to tell Rain in summer, crickets in the fall Geese of the north, those to the south Of their insensitivity I resent all 4/3 蝶恋花?镇日无聊 镇日无聊分秒渡,撞磬光阴,屈指知何数。唯有梦中能偶遇,却非相识知音侣。 欲返江城瘟疫阻,难上陵园,祭扫清明墓。散尽毒尘红日处,琴台再望晴川树。 4/26 武陵春?禁足 瘟疫猖狂人自禁,诸事网中行。笑语欢声尽在屏,欲触冷冰冰。 虽似潜伏特工状,无险亦无惊。倒是无聊处处盈,能不念娉婷? Self-imprisoned during pandemic We do all online. Smiles and laughters’re all on the screen It’s cold if we want to touch the scene. Though it’s like undercover job There’s no danger or surprise All we feel is boredness How can’t I a fair lady miss? 4/27 南歌子 夜寂春阑院,花繁夏始时。 嫣红姹紫报谁知,离久忆虚难复念娥眉。 暮望微风岸,朝迎丽日曦。 昔人长椅看潮低。空有乱零芳草倍凄迷。 A yard in quiet night of the waning spring A time when summer begins much blooming To whom can I report all those rich colors Out of sight, out of mind, the appearance of hers Browsing the beach in breeze in the evening Facing the brilliance of morning sun rising Once a figure on bench watched the low tides Now only scented grass presents desolate sights 4/28 念奴娇?宅家避疫 宅家避疫,未晚身横榻,了无情趣。暮色临窗乌渐落,惹动无名心绪。片刻情形,似曾相识,追忆飘然去。时光穿越,旧时京外居处。 已惯离早迟归,流连学校,返程披星路。今日黄昏家里看,教我不知何住。无数闲书,蒙尘积垢,自笑曾相与。谁人如我,乐囚文冢书墓? 4/30 鹧鸪天?自作虐 长夜难明加州天,疫情未减备熬煎。出门口罩皆需戴,夫妇今难同枕眠。 前世虐,后人冤。冥冥天意费查观。 科魔傲慢充神主,污染乾坤自可怜。 5/1南乡一剪梅 今日碧云天,必有行人海岸边。纵使居家颁禁令,山也堪怜,水也堪怜。 孤自莫凭栏,美好阳春四月鲜。窈窕红颜如自锁,花草称冤,人鬼称冤。 点绛唇?周末无聊 周末无聊, 空空各处消人迹。庚年新疫,世界今非昔。 草绿花红, 寂寞春残夕。人欲泣,孤灯照壁,灯下诗行辑。 Boring weekend From everywhere, human traces disappear The world is the same no longer Due to the pandemic this year Green grass and red flowers Can’t the loneliness of late spring eve dispel My sorrows I can tell By the lone lamp in my cell My poems I compile 5/2 七律?过同事旧居活剥崔颢 伊人已向檀香去,此地空余美盛楼。 行者经年无复返,家园数载空悠悠。 晴天历历无名树,雨夜萋萋野草洲。 欲问乡音何处是?晋阳湖上使人愁。 盐角儿?思时也怨 思时也怨,见时也怨,終非余伴。歌之泣下,言之泣下,邈如星汉。 扰愁宵,催愁叹,飘然案头书生乱。怎非是,聊斋魅影,还得一厢情绻。 阮郎归 曦光临牖看芳菲,龙舌仙掌肥。满园荒草任参差,茴香竞旺枝。 人寂寞,梦还悲,枯肠愁索诗。诗成无处赠娥眉, 开轩听鸟啼。 Looking at fine plants from the window In the morning light. I see agave and cactus growing high Weeds in the garden are left free to grow Dill plants complete to reach to the sky Lonely am I Sadder is my dream I exhaust my sorrowful mind to write a poem Done, but which beauty to give to? I open the window to hear the cuckoo 临江仙?记梦 梦醒犹觉身不在,美中今昔难清。穿行街巷发犹青,互相询问,毕业聚何烹。 昏昏想起居家禁,方知聚会难成。匆匆收拾乱床棚,明晨将去,各自奔前程。 七绝?晨醒 沉梦觉来天已白。浮生又见少三分。年轮不住无情转,共事几何能与君? Waking from dreams at daybreak I see life cut by some length Cruelly turns the wheel of time How long, to be in your presence? 酒泉子?后午夕阳 后午夕阳,可劲无情暴晒。落窗帘, 如锅盖,遮阳光。 有钱不赁东南厝,儿时曾经住。院中藤,老槐树,纸糊窗。 Late afternoon sun Shines mercilessly Window curtains draping down Like the lid of a wok Blocks the sun Rich guys do not rent west and south-facing houses I lived in one of them when a child 御街行?窗间明月高天照 窗间明月高天照,屋内孤灯挑。虽无经卷亦如僧,无欲无求无恼。常吟诗句,闲拾花木,亦把庭园扫。 美人暗影眸含笑,端的神情俏。无缘相识借丹青,伴我残生到老。色空空色,缘来缘去,谁解人生妙。 西江月?案头望月 窗外一轮明月, 案头一盏孤灯。虽无经卷亦如僧,无欲无求心境。 暗影朦胧美艳,眸间秋水盈盈。 无缘相识借丹青,伴我残阳暮景。 山花子?梦醒 Powered by Discuz! X3.4 © 2001-2017 Comsenz Inc. |