2021/1/25 蒙特雷大风 风大潮狂沙打面,青云高立独清闲。天观莫道常千貌,宇宙持恒似泰山。 Big wind surges up waves and causes sand to beat on my face However, clouds stand vertically in much leisure Don't say that the appearance of heaven changes a lot Like Mount Tai the universe remains same as ever ...
2019 诗二季度 4/1 采桑子•芳菲尽 红芳紫粉终将尽,或是凋零,或是飞升,无影无踪随意行。 落花流水干卿事,不问娉婷,又问娉婷,梦里琵琶马上声。 The season of many colors will resign Because of nature Or of human design Trace-less, the process shows no sign Petals on the stream, ...
2019 诗 第一季度 方壶斋于岚 题于静高崖亭轩图 1/27 柳下筑亭轩,抬头峭壁悬。坐怀心不乱,揽胜气悠然。 岭远烟云淡,栏新草木鲜。忧忧唯一事,只恐坠岩天。 Under a willow tree a pavilion does stand A menacing cliff high in sky does suspend The ...