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gators的个人空间 https://smallstation.net/?146 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


已有 5598 人来访过

  • Is sevenstar around? I saw him login on April. 回复
  • 谁知道大勺近况? 回复
  • Yes. I can come on here but I need to  翻墙 for other places... 回复
  • Ah in China. VPN doesn't work. How do I 翻墙 in China? 回复
  • If you ain't a Gator, you're Gator Bait! 回复
  • 观天下: 说实话, 被你指责我感到莫大的荣幸! 100% ZT 回复
  • 鳄鱼定律: 没被鳄鱼骂过的人不一定是好人。 被鳄鱼骂过的人一定是坏人。 回复


大勺何在? 2021-02-14
七星元帅, 出来报个平安 有谁知道他的情况吗?
Great China Firewall 2011-04-04
This is the only site that I can get on. Not even facebook is allowed.  Anyone knows how to by pass the firewall?
Suspects arrested in Oakland homicide of visiting Virginia man 2010-07-26
康京宏: may you rest in peace and your family find the strength that they need in this difficult time. http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking ...
Bias and Bigotry in Academia 2010-07-25
http://news.yahoo.com/s/uc/20100720/cm_uc_crpbux/op_3314740 For the first time I agree with Pat  Buchanan.  Should we su ...
Jeremy Lin 2010-07-24
I never feel that I want to root for Yao Ming; he looks so phony to me.  Perhaps  Jeremy Lin   reminds me my son, I li ...
问骏能有几多愁,恰似一位太监上青楼 2010-07-20


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lavender 2010-1-10 07:26 PM
gators: Lao Y, is  that you?
Sorry, I don't know who the heck Lao Y is.
gators 2009-9-16 09:40 AM
Thanks! I am honored. Especially after I am pretty much
driven out of here.
Chang_Le 2009-9-15 09:11 PM
小中 2009-9-14 11:50 PM

八月风 2009-7-4 04:52 PM
"跟那红娘子一样, 属于天生喜欢被骂的贱货。。。"

gators 2009-7-4 03:27 PM
1. I don't think that I am cursing 新笑月. I am just
pointing out the fact that she is.

2. 红娘子 has been picking on me whenever she got a
chance.  For example she just called me a 无赖。
You know I am not going to sit around and let someone
call me a 无赖。
八月风 2009-7-4 12:22 PM
鄂鱼,就算雾雨是新笑月,你这样开口骂就有效果了吗?你自己不也是说她"越被骂越起劲”。还有想问你一下,你说她对丁子霖的评论有证据一定是她说的吗?她在外面发贴说你的指责不实。我对新笑月过去在CND上的发帖看得不全,不太了解全部事实。 我同意赏石的建议,把这篇日记改为只有好友可见。 另外,我不太清楚你和红娘子有什么过节,不过无论怎样还是觉得你说她的话有些过分。这好象也不是第一次你对红娘子这么说话,是否可以注意一下你的用词?谢谢。 ... ...
拙林 2009-7-4 09:59 AM

你在今天的日志里评红娘子的那句话太不公平,太不厚道! 一个大男人,这样对女网友,实在没有办法不鄙视你。
赏石 2009-7-4 09:14 AM
把那篇日记锁了, 或者只给好友看。
yaomer 2009-5-28 10:54 AM


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