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490.UK historical moment

发表于 2024-8-11 01:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Reader86 于 2024-8-11 02:23 AM 编辑

UK historical moment: riot bystanders are guilty even if they didn't do anything.

Look back to Hong Kong riots, the British government and media stood by the side of the rioters, accusing HK of "having no freedom". However, Hong Kong had never arrested the bystanders, but this time the UK government has an opposite stand for itself: being a bystander is guilty.

UK as a democratic country has gone beyond the communist China, and reached Hitler's fascist?

more capable than the "freedomless" communist China, and is it fascist enough?

UK 历史时刻:riot旁观者,即便没扔一块石头也有罪。

想当年HK riot,英国政府与媒体可是站在riot一边,指责HK“没有freedom”。香港对旁观者从没有任何问责,UK这回了不起:旁观有罪。自由UK岂不是比“没有freedom”的GD更有本事,够格法西斯了吗? [Onlooker][Onlooker]

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