本帖最后由 Reader86 于 2024-7-31 10:17 PM 编辑
Livia Favia(意大利);Julia Nimke(德国),Marvin Kuhr(德国),David Dubnitskiy(乌克兰),Justin Wirtalla(加拿大),Marcuscederberg(瑞典)
If there were a conservatory in hell, and if one of its talented students were to compose a program symphony based on the story of the Ten Plagues of Egypt, and if he were to compose a symphony like Mr. Rachmaninoff's, then he would have fulfilled his task brilliantly and would delight the inhabitants of Hell."
"Rachmaninoff would gain the first prize for his Symphony, so devilish are the discords he has dished up for us.”
如果地狱里有音乐学院,如果其中一位才华横溢的学生根据埃及十灾的故事创作一首主题交响曲,如果他能创作出像拉赫玛尼诺夫先生那样的交响曲,那么他将出色地完成他的任务,并让地狱的居民感到高兴。” -- César Cui
如果地狱里有音乐学院,拉赫玛尼诺夫将凭借他的交响曲获得一等奖,因为他为我们端上来的不和谐音是如此邪恶。” |