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Great China Firewall

热度 12已有 1064 次阅读2011-4-4 12:09 PM

This is the only site that I can get on. Not even facebook is allowed. 

Anyone knows how to by pass the firewall?









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回复 waspking 2011-4-4 01:11 PM
VPN。 I tried to install vpn server on my office computer (unsuccessful, it connects with valid IP but invalid gateway)...but then realized my uni has vpn. I will use it in China next time.
回复 老巫 2011-4-4 01:13 PM
Can you get on this?
回复 -KK- 2011-4-4 01:59 PM
poor gator
回复 gators 2011-4-4 03:52 PM

Thanks anyway. I thought my vpn would work but...
回复 gators 2011-4-4 08:31 PM
I sign up publicvpn.com; it costs money but  I can't live without a free internet.
回复 gators 2011-4-4 08:32 PM
waspking: VPN。 I tried to install vpn server on my office computer (unsuccessful, it connects with valid IP but invalid gateway)...but then realized my uni has ...
Hey man,

Why don't you let me use your vpn? I will buy you dinner next time I visit Michigan. Is it still cold out there?
回复 waspking 2011-4-4 10:09 PM
sorry I could not get my own VPN to work..for the univ's I cannot really give you my own password... it is 50s here now...but it was snowing on sat!
回复 waspking 2011-4-4 10:38 PM
man, you should have known facebook and twitter was not allowed in China, even before you were there!
回复 gators 2011-4-5 12:27 AM
I tried to write the following on baihua but had trouble writing although I can read it.

Why don't you help me post there?

I am inside China and tried to escape the wall.

My vpn didn't work. Someone suggested publicvpn.com but it doesn't have a trial period. It's 7 bucks
a month but it uses pptn not ssl so it's easy to block. It will be my last resort.

I tried some ip proxy sites with limited success.

I can get on here with http://nowaproxy.info/ which I get from http://www.proxy4free.com/list/webproxy_country5.html.

I can get on facebook or google.com with most of the ip proxy sites so China's great firewall doesn't work that well; it's actually a shame that it works this way.

Two interesting things:

China firewall hates cnd. As soon as I try cnd.org the ip proxy site behaves funny and stops working.

smallstation.net is freely accessible.
回复 waspking 2011-4-5 03:41 PM
ok, I will post now... you owe me one steak dinner :) :)
回复 waspking 2011-4-6 05:23 AM
Tar says back: "Tell gators I am disappointed at him. With his dd-wrt router at home, he could have easily set up a VPN used it in China. With a private VPN, there is no way the government can block it."

yes, I agree! you spent all the time for some free phone! you could have gotten over the wall!
回复 爱因斯坦 2011-4-6 08:03 AM
用公司的VPN,remote desktop或者vnc到你的机器上不就可以了吗?
回复 gators 2011-4-6 10:17 AM
爱因斯坦: 儿呀,老夫也在国内。到处是莺歌燕舞,老总美眉,无穷的公司争取上市,不亦乐乎。你这不肖子还惦记着闹革命嘛。
用公司的VPN,remote desktop或者vnc到你的机器 ...
you are?
回复 爱因斯坦 2011-4-6 05:51 PM
gators: you are?
Better yet, install proxy server on your company machine (squid on ubuntu, for example). This makes it faster than slowwwww vnc.
回复 mh1013 2011-4-6 08:34 PM
Try this --

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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