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54.什么人投票 Biden ?/ 拯救穷人是个伪命题

发表于 2020-11-16 17:14:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Reader86 于 2022-10-1 01:55 AM 编辑


  -- 富翁如索罗斯巴菲之类与身无分文的流浪汉们走到了一起。

  -- 要一辈子铁饭碗的工会成员与一辈子不要工作的吃福利者们走到了一起。

  -- 对LGBT要处死的XX教与LGBT走到一起。

  -- 象牙塔里的左派学者教授们与大字识不了两个的文盲半文盲们走到了一起。

  -- 犹太人和阿拉伯人走到了一起。

  -- 无神论者和各种没有听说过的宗教信徒走到一起。

  -- 要求大政府管一切的共产主义信徒与反政府的打砸抢烧分子走到一起。

  -- 反对公民拥枪者与要求解散警察者走到一起。

  -- 高喊反对种族主义歧视者们与公然种旅歧视限制亚裔入学者们走到一起。

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-23 11:00:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Reader86 于 2021-6-17 11:56 AM 编辑


Biden & Harris这个竞选班子totally 没有feasible思想和经济方案。


Biden & Harris上去,美国真的完蛋。
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-23 11:01:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Reader86 于 2021-6-25 11:54 PM 编辑

左派把问题看错了,总说穷人要拯救。他们不是头脑混乱,就是 evil mind。

其实要拯救的是中产阶级。因为中产阶级以自己辛勤的劳动向上支持大资本家,让他们赚大钱;以自己的税收向下为穷人提供food stamp。

穷人不需要拯救,国家好了,他们的food stamp 总有着落。


记住一句话,你不是穷人,不要为穷人说话,若是说,就是做假。因为只有中产阶级强大,国家才稳定,富强,国家稳定富强,穷人的food stamps 多多的。


另一个,big tech的工资过高,他们觉得自己了不起,同时,他们用这些钱干坏事儿。

我看不懂big tech, 他们相信社会主义?他们相信把自己的财产和穷人平分?
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-23 11:01:42 | 显示全部楼层

左派的“拯救穷人”是个伪命题。为什么不是“拯救中产阶级”?因为左派善于打着革命的旗帜,迷惑大众。左派多是hypocrites, 或者目光短浅。

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-26 19:22:22 | 显示全部楼层

历史上只有一个特殊的情况:13世纪时,当时英国的贵族如此强大,以致于他们形成了另一个阶级。贵族阶级使用大宪章(Magna Carta)来控制君主,使得他们不能垄断权力,使得他们的权力不是至高无上。这个时候,英国出现了三个不同的阶级:王室,贵族和平民。后来这个额外的阶级就发展成为英国的议会,与皇家共享统治英国的权力。只要一个社会中有两个以上的阶级,就意味着独裁更难实现,更接近民主社会。




使一个国家自由,平等和民主,就是缩小上层阶级和下层阶级,扩大中产阶级。扩大中产阶级就是缩小上层阶级和下层阶级。帮助中产阶级意味着防止部分中产阶级沦落到社会最底层,并促进底层阶级进入中产阶级。如果中产阶级强大,它将为无助的贫困者提供更多的福利,也使得社会中更多的人口加入中产阶级。因此,民主社会应该始终如一重视中产阶级。任何增加穷人数量的手段,不管打着任何旗号,都是对minzhu社会有害的政策。 消灭整个中产阶级就是使民主社会回到封建社会或者进入社会主义社会!

A feudal society has two classes: feudal lord/monarch and slaves/subjects.

There was a special case in history: in the thirteenth century, when the aristocrats in Britain were very strong that they used Magna Carta to control the sovereign lord and formed one additional class. There were three distinct classes in then feudal society: royal, aristocracy, and the multitudes. The extra class had later developed to parliament and shares power with the Royal family. Anytime there are more than two classes in a society, it is closer to democracy.

A socialist society also has two classes:ruling class and working class. In this society, all men are not equal. Between ruling class and working class, the former has unchecked power to do anything they wish, and within the later, it is a hierarchic society, people with more power will always privileged over the lesser ones.

A communist society presumably has only one class, all equal, which is utopian, a great but remote dream.

A democratic society has one distinct character from all other societies: it has three classes: upper crust, middle class and the poor. Comparing to the feudal society, a big chunk of the working class moves to the middle class, enjoying equal human rights and political rights, besides having a better living standard. Lower class though still enjoys political and human rights but economically, they are disadvantaged.

To make a country free, equal, and democratic is to shrink the upper class and the lower class, enlarge the middle class. To enlarge the middle class is to shrink the upper and the lower class. Helping middle class means preventing the middle class from dropping to destitution, and pushing lower class higher. If the middle class is strong and becomes the backbone of the society, it will provide more welfare and takes care of the helpless poor below, which could either join in the middle class or enjoy welfare. Therefore, the emphasize should always be given to the middle class. Any means to increase the number of the poor is not a good policy, detrimental to the democratic society.

Wiping out the entire middle class is making the society go back to feudal society or socialist society!
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